Project Warmies accepts donations of handmade items and nonperishable food.
Terri Chase surveys her booth.
Sheena of Casual Fashion Queen discusses her hand-dyed yarns with an attendee.
Patricia Smith’s hand knit socks sell out quickly!
Ann Robinson sells handmade silver jewelry.
Gilda’s Ball of Yarn sells project bags.
Katie Burroughs snuggles a bunny in Funny Face Farms’ booth.
The Four Purls Yarn Truck tempts attendees as they walk in the door.
Those participating in the gift exchange pass the packages around the circle, following instructions from a knitting pattern!
Those participating in the gift exchange open their gifts.
In 2017, we held two raffles. One basket was full of spinning fiber and supplies. The other was full of knitting or crocheting yarn and supplies. This person bought a few tickets!