2022 Speaker

Keynote Presentation: Stephanie Capps Dyke

Mindful Creativity: (Re)Capturing Your Inspirational Mojo

For many of us, creativity is our lifeline. Without it, the things we make have little meaning and give us little satisfaction. The pressures of the last few years have led many artists and makers to the point of creative burnout or frustration.

At the same time, we hear the term “mindfulness” almost every day. In fact, it has become quite the overused buzzword! But under the umbrella of this often misunderstood concept lies a treasure trove of inspiration. Join Stephanie to learn about her journey and discuss some of the tools and strategies she has picked up along the way to battle creative blocks, “maker fatigue,” and other pesky obstacles.

Stephanie is a quilter/textile artist, software developer, and meditating nerd. She’s also the mindful creative behind creativeandmindful.com. In addition to sewing and slinging code, she teaches other artists and makers how to handle professional challenges and enjoy practicing their craft. Connect with her on Instagram: @creativeandmindful or at: stephanie@creativeandmindful.com.

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